The first hurdle you will face with worker’s compensation claims is the work-related requirement. You must prove that the injury or illness was connected to your job. Benefits for medical care under worker’s compensation in Oregon only apply with proof of on-the-job injury.
Covered injuries can include:
Occupational Illness
Illnesses and diseases employees develop on the job are generally covered. Black lung from coal mining, asbestos exposure, and COVID-19 are all potential claims.
If you contracted COVID-19 or were exposed at work, you might be eligible for benefits. You would have to prove that your job presented a special risk beyond that of the general public.
Repetitive Motion & Overuse Injuries
Repeatedly performing the same physical tasks can result in strains and injuries. Worker’s compensation benefits typically cover them, but you will need to provide evidence.
Pre-Existing Conditions
Pre-existing conditions don’t automatically mean your injury is not covered. If your work aggravates the condition, you may be eligible for worker’s compensation.
Hearing Loss
Several jobs can damage hearing and benefits often cover deafness attributed to work.
Stress-Related Injuries
Long-term stress and its connection to physical illness are becoming more recognized. However, it is still challenging to prove the correlation to receive worker’s compensation benefits.
Stress Resulting from Work-Related Physical Injuries
The toll a physical injury takes can affect an individual’s mental and emotional state. Benefits may include “compensable consequence,” meaning the injured employee is eligible for treatment and other benefits.