Posts made in December 2021

Is It Worth Getting a Worker’s Compensation Attorney in Oregon?

workers’ compensation attorney in oregon

If your worker’s compensation claim is in question, the answer is to always hire a lawyer. A worker’s compensation attorney in Oregon can help protect your health, income, and future. Minor injuries likely don’t need a lawyer’s intervention, especially if the incident was straightforward and you can return to work after a short period.

Complicated Matters

However, some accidents require a more in-depth analysis of the incident, a longer leave of absence, or extensive medical treatment. When the situation is complicated and a larger amount of money is involved, it’s a good idea to access legal services.

The primary reasons you would consider hiring a worker’s compensation attorney include:

Insurance Denies Your Claim
A Permanent Disability Rating Dispute
Pre-Existing Conditions
Trouble Getting Treatment
Worker’s Compensation Hearing Representative

The Coverage You Need

Worker’s compensation benefits are there to protect you. They can cover your income and medical bills, both of which can add up quickly. As soon as you experience an injury at work, start the process of securing your coverage for any related expenses. If you are filing a first-time worker’s compensation claim, are not familiar with the process, or have a lot of documentation, hiring a lawyer is a wise decision.

Coverage of Medical Care Under Worker’s Compensation in Oregon

medical care under workers’ compensation in oregon

Your on-the-job injury or illness is a stressful event in your life, but you can find financial support with worker’s compensation. As soon as you experience a workplace injury, it’s essential to file a report and start the claim process.

Expenses Related to Medical Care

Medical care under worker’s compensation means Oregon employees with appropriate coverage do not have to worry about health care bills related to the injury. These bills can include prescription medications, hospital stays, transportation, meals, lodging, and other expenses up to an established maximum rate.

Your Doctor’s Approval

It’s not just a case of submitting the bills for your medical expenses. Your doctor or practitioner must sign off that the injury was related to your work, and you must file the claims appropriately. The payments will continue until the injury is healed or you are deemed medically unable to return to your job due to a permanent disability. If that occurs, you would be entitled to the permanent disability benefit.

Legal Guidance

Worker’s compensation is complex, so although you may represent yourself, hiring an attorney experienced in the field is a good idea. From establishing employer liability to disputing denied claims, your worker’s compensation attorney is your best advocate during this challenging time in your life.