What to Expect at a Workers’ Compensation Hearing

court hearingFor many people, the most intimidating part of filing a worker’s comp claim is the hearing. It’s a crucial time that can have major impacts on your future – which is why being prepared is essential. Step one is finding a worker’s compensation attorney you in Oregon you can trust. After that, though, it’s worth getting a general idea of what to expect from your day in court. Here are a few things to consider:

The Worker – Depending on your situation and your attorney’s strategy, you may need to testify during your hearing. This is your big moment, and there are two keys to success. First, present a clear and rehearsed telling of your experience. Second, communicate the impact of the injury and the difference it’s made in your life.

The Evidence – Your worker’s compensation attorney has the job of gathering and presenting compelling evidence in support of your claim. This could be verification of your injuries, the accuracy of your testimony, or other relevant details that could impact the court’s decision.

The Resolution – After the presentations and examinations, the court will issue an opinion and order to resolve the claim. If you get the compensation you need, great! If not, that isn’t the end. Your attorney may be able to help you file an appeal.